Corporate Partnership Case

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  • Corporate Partnership Case
Project Period
College students interested in environmental protection and small business owners
Number of Participants
No more than 40 people (each rider)
Supporters of college students who produce and promote content for the environment and small business owners
Home & Greener Home & Greener creates and promotes content for sustainable consumption and environmental protection!

Home & Greener, a collaboration between the Korea Green Foundation and Home & Shopping, is a group of college student supporters who plan, promote, and deliver messages about eco-friendly content for a sustainable Earth. Starting with the first period and continuing through the third period in 2022, active activities are continuing.


Term 3 of Home & Greener will run for eight months from May to December 2023. Participants will create diverse-ranging content for small business owners and the environment, and plan to encourage more people to join Home & Greener through offline missions they have planned.

K-Green Foundation | Baeknam Building 7F, 16 Eulji-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul, Korea
Tel. 82-2-2011-4300 | Fax. 82-2-725-4840 | E-mail.

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